The Wilden diaphragm pump is an air-operated, positive displacement, self-priming pump. The patented Wilden air distribution system consists of a ported air valve body which houses a piston. This piston is the only moving component of the air distribution system. The system operates off of differential pressure only, there are no mechanical trip rods, bearings or springs to wear or repair.
Diaphragms, valve balls, valve seats and O-rings are collectively known as pump elastomers. Wilden pumps can be fitted with a wide range of elastomer compounds to meet virtually any application requirement. Considerations for specifying elastomers include: temperature limits, chemical compatibility, flex life, initial investment, and suction lift capabilities.
Elastomer | Approx. Temperature Limits |
Neoprene | |
Buna-N | |
Nordel® | |
Viton® | |
Wil-Flex® | |
Polyurethane | |
Saniflex® | |
Teflon PTFE |
These compounds consist of natural rubber and man-made additives to increase the compounds' resistance to specific types of fluids. Diaphragms made of these compounds utilize a nylon fabric mesh. The fabric mesh is centered within the diaphragm during the molding process. The fabric mesh lends dimensional stability and strength to the compound.
Neoprene | An excellent general purpose elastomer for use in non-aggressive applications. Exhibits excellent flex life and low cost. |
Buna-N | Excellent for applications involving petroleum/oil-based fluids. Exhibits good flex life. | Nordel® (EPDM) | Excellent for use in applications requiring extremely cold temperatures. May also be used as a low cost alternative when pumping dilute acids or caustics. |
Viton® | Excellent for use in applications requiring extremely hot temperatures. May also be used with agressive fluids such as aromatic or chlorinated bydrocarbons and acids. |
These compounds are made up entirely of main-made elements. Diaphragms made of these compounds require no fabric reinforcement due to the dimensional stability and tensile strength inherent in TPE compounds.
Polyurethane | A general pourpose diaphragm for use in non-aggressive and/or highly abrasive applications. |
Wil-Flex™® | A low-cost alternative to Teflon® in many acidic and caustic applications. Exhibits excellent abrasion resistance and flex life. | Saniflex® | Exhibits excellent abrasion resistnace, flex life and durability. This material is FDA approved for food processing applications. An outstanding general purpose diaphragm. |
Teflon® TFE is one of the most chemically inert man-made compounds known. Wilden engineers were the first to discover that by reinforcing a molded Teflon® TFE diaphragm with concentric ribs they could control the flex pattern of the diaphragm. The ribbed design extended flex life 5 to 10 times longer than that of any other Teflon® diaphragm. This innovation made the use of Teflon® elastomers in diaphragm pumps cost effective, greatly expanding the range of applications for diaphragm pumps. Teflon® is not an elastic material, therefore Telfon® diaphragms require a back-up diaphragm to provide flexibility and memory.
Teflon® | The choice when pumping highly aggressive fluids such as aromatic or chlorinated hydrocarbons, acids, caustics, ketones and acetates. Exhibits good flex life compared to a standard diaphragm. |
For more information about air operated diaphragm pumps, contact
Phone: 586.758.0100
Fax: 586.758.0589